The CT Blue-Blazed Salmon River Trail is located in Day Pond State Park, right across the street from Salmon River State Forest. I was looking forward to seeing the Comstock Covered Bridge, located at the trailhead, but turns out it's been dismantled for restoration. I wasn't sure how to get myself across the river with no bridge, but I got back in my car and managed to find a spot to park at the end of Bridge Street next to the bridge on the opposite side of the river.
The Salmon River was gorgeous.
The trail climbed pretty quickly, but the footing was good and it wasn't too steep. After a bit there's this nice lookout.
After walking along a ridge top for maybe two miles, and following the loop junction to the right, the trail came out at Day Pond, which was deserted. This is why I love hiking on Fridays, especially in Fall. I did finally see one person walking a dog at the pond and a man fishing, but that was it.
I was admiring the pond and its trickling little waterfall, when I was distracted by a large bird circling over the water nearby. Through the trees it looked like maybe an Osprey...
...and it suddenly plunged into the water to grab a fish.
Gotta love the October colors, especially that purplish red you get from the oaks.
Here's an attractive little centerpiece growing out of a rotting stump.
It's a seven mile hike if you park at the Comstock Bridge and do the entire "lollipop" loop, which I did. The trail was well-blazed, the footing pretty good, and there were ups and downs, but nothing really steep. A very enjoyable hike.
Funny trail sign. But effective.
A spur trail leads to a "campsite" overlooking a stunning series of cascades and falls.
Returning along the Salmon River after a great day looking for treasure.
I'm the Shelton Conservation Agent, webmistress, and a letterboxer & geocacher. These pursuits often take me out exploring in the field.
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