I was planning to start hiking the new "
New England Trail" next spring, but it was 50 degrees on January 1, and that simply cannot go unhiked. So here I am in Guilford, at the so-called Bluff Head parking area on Route 77. In Connecticut, the New England Trail is mostly made up of the blue-blazed
Mattabesett and Metacomet Trails, but a new trail under construction in Guilford is supposed to extend the trail down to the Sound. It doesn't yet, but it's about half way there, so I thought I'd go check it out the part that's done. It's called the
Menunkatuck Trail, and to find the northern terminus you have to take the Mattabesett for 1.3 miles.

The Mattabesett rises quickly above the highway, and before long road noise is banished for the remainder of the hike. The first 1.3 mile took a lot longer than I expected and at one point I was convinced I had missed the turnoff for the Menunkatuck. In retrospect, the trail goes due east across a series of rocky features trending north-south, so it's just slow going. Especially for me, since I rebroke an ankle in October hiking the Tunxis and am a little touchy about walking on slick wet leaves over wet mossy rocks. Slow was the word.
Green. Winter greenery is always welcome, but it was really vivid on this hike. All the warm weather we've had this winter has done wonders for our evergreen plants. Even the vernal pool was green. A tiny salamander larvae floated up out of the algae at one point.
So, I haven't been posting much this year due to a couple injuries that left me unable to carry my heavy camera and then unable to even hike for a spell. Excuse the photos today, they were taken with my Droid.
More green!

Here's some trail art. Big chunk of white quartz set on a green mossy rock. There was a fair amount of trail art on the Mattabesett.
And finally I'm at the Menunkatuck! I love that name. Menunkatuck. It took me about an hour to walk 1.3 miles. But the Menunkatuck proves to be a much easier path, mostly following old woods roads. I suppose this is because it's heading south and isn't going against the geology of the area.
Very shortly there's a kiosk for Broomstick Ledges, which I'm completely unfamiliar with. There's a sign for both the Town of Guilford and the Guilford Land Trust, leaving me wondering which one of them owns the property.
Good thing there is no hunting allowed on Sunday, because I'm not wearing blaze orange! Although I'm not crazy about hiking past hunters, I am happy that deer are kept in check so all the animals can live there, not just the most adorable ones. Forests completely stripped by deer are tragic.
Heading back to my car on the Mattabesett, the trail is again more rugged, and perhaps more scenic, winding up and around linear pools and rocky ledges, with a glimpse of distance hills through the trees.