Here's a Raven on the cliff face of the quarry (the biggest cliff I know of in these parts). They look like a big crow, but their call is more of a throaty "cronk" as opposed to the "caw" of the crow (here's a Youtube video of a Raven calling). Raven LOVE cliffs.
Here's a "Raven's eye view" of Quinnipiac College from the Giant's Head. There appeared to be quite a few Quinnipiac students enjoying the trails today.

I came down via the easy Tower Trail, which is in deep shadow in the next picture because of the Chin, which looms overhead (that's the cliff where I first saw Ravens). This deep notch between the Chin and the Chest seems to have its own weather. In October this is where I stepped into a thick bank of fog for the scariest creepy hike I've ever had:

As soon as I emerged from the notch, it was a sunny day:

Would you expect wildflowers to be blooming at the end of November? I found these Herb Roberts blooming along the Tower Trail. It is uncertain whether these flowers are native to Connecticut or originally from Europe. They like rocky hilltops and will bloom into the fall.

I came down via the easy Tower Trail, which is in deep shadow in the next picture because of the Chin, which looms overhead (that's the cliff where I first saw Ravens). This deep notch between the Chin and the Chest seems to have its own weather. In October this is where I stepped into a thick bank of fog for the scariest creepy hike I've ever had:
As soon as I emerged from the notch, it was a sunny day:
Would you expect wildflowers to be blooming at the end of November? I found these Herb Roberts blooming along the Tower Trail. It is uncertain whether these flowers are native to Connecticut or originally from Europe. They like rocky hilltops and will bloom into the fall.